
Saturday 10.01.11

This picture's already outdated. Eric S. is popping kipping pull-ups like a kid eating Skittles.
As of 09.30.11, we have 26 Founding Member Athletes and we are so excited to have you all! Thank you so much for taking a chance and helping us get our box off to a GREAT start. Look for Ashley and Doug for their quotes in the Muscatine Journal's Business Section on Saturday. Warrior CrossFit Muscatine is scheduled to be the business profiled.

On Saturday, we further our quest toward barbell confidence. You grab that puppy and tell it who's the boss (and I GUARANTEE it ain't Tony Danza).

"6 and One-Half Dozen"
20 minute AMRAP of the following:
Run/Row 400 m
Barbell Complex*

1 Barbell Complex = 6 deadlifts + 6 rows + 6 cleans + 6 front squats + 6 push presses + 6 back squats

Remember, we have open gym on Saturdays from 10 AM to 12 PM during which you can practice skills (e.g., double unders, kipping pull-ups) or do any WOD you would like to do.

Your Moment of Zen.


Beth Dessner October 1, 2011 at 7:09 AM  

why does ashley get the front page and eric only gets the blogspot.....just saying' :-) Great article! Keep up the good work...

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