Friday 12.16.11
Alright, War-o-ramas, we saw some amazing practice and progress during Thursday's overhead squats and pull-ups! Pat yourself on the back for all your efforts.
We're back to The Big 24 today. Again, this is untimed, so focus on technique and form. Keep the bar as close to your body as possible on each of these movements. This is a great opportunity to practice getting lower on your squat during the squat cleans, more explosive with the hips on both power and squat cleans, and getting faster with those elbows on the cleans. The list of performance points is long, so get cracking!
Warm-up: 5 min of "Annie" (50-40-30-20-10 situps and doubleunders)
"The Big 24"
8 rounds: 3 reps hang snatch + OHS (95/65)
8 rounds: 3 reps power clean + push press (135/95)
8 rounds: 3 reps squat clean (135/95)
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