
Saturday 01.28.12

We are closed today. We have two co-ed teams of 4 competing in today's Corridor CrossFit Throwdown in Iowa City. Come cheer us on from 9-3 at Fit2Live, 123 Hwy 1. Show everyone how great we are at WCFM! We'll try to capture some highlights on video.

Additionally, if you are feeling spunky, you can still choose a WOD to complete at home before we open again on Monday. As always, squatting low is involved. A lot of you experience the most issues with the squat at the bottom. You chest falls forward, putting you in a less powerful "downhill skier" position. Your knees also push inward, making you less stable (exponentially so when there is a load involved). In fact, many of you look downright miserable hanging out at the bottom of your squat. There is a way to make this position more powerful, stable, and comfortable. Yep, that's right. Get your stretch on, Warriors. Open up those hips and get your pain face on. Your squat will thank you, and me thinks you might have a new PR if you really work at the stretches shown in this MobilityWOD video.

WOD Choices:
4 Rounds for Time:
20 jumping squats
Run 100 m
30 jumping lunges
Run 100 m
10 burpees
10 sec wall sit
Tabata Anything (Tabata means 8 rounds of 20 sec of work & 10 sec of rest for each exercise. Go as hard as possible during each 20 sec round of work)
Jumping lunges

Below, a photo of Mr. Spectacular gravestones...


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103 Ford Ave., Suite 1 | Muscatine, IA | 52761
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