
Thursday 01.26.12

WCFM Snatch Machines
***Elements II Classes at 6:30 AM and 6:30 PM today!***

Hey y'all we have an APB out for the 6 pound bright pink medicine ball. We can't seem to locate that cutie anywhere in the box. Last sighting was Monday, January 23. If you see it, give us a holler.

We have two teams headed to the Corridor CrossFit Throwdown in Iowa City on Saturday and we need your moral support! Competition starts at 9 AM and lasts until 2 PM at Fit2Live (123 Hwy 1). A schedule of events will be posted soon, so come for an hour or cheer the whole day. We would love to see you there!

Last, if you haven't done so already, our fit friends and athletes, please help Muscatine become one of the Blue Zones by pledging on line at www.blueszonesproject.com or texting 772937 BZP.

Today we're getting fit, spectacularly. Your mind will tire faster than your muscles. Remember that, especially on rep number 49. If you ever completed a hero WOD here at the box, then you are more than capable of completing today's WOD. So buck up and grind it out!!

Skill: HSPU
For time:
100 Mr. Spectaculars (35/25 KBs)*

*1 Mr. Spectacular = KB clean + press + walk-out pushup (for video, watch this)


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