Tuesday 01.24.12
Those hero WODs are just punishing. |
**Reminder: Elements I classes at 6:30 AM and 6:30 PM today for beginners and veterans alike.**
GLADIATORS ready?? Lots of questions about Saturday's Corridor CrossFit Challenge in Iowa City. The WODs have been posted here and more information about the event (including t-shirts) can be found on the event's Facebook page here. For those wishing to compete, please sign-up on the bulletin board at the box (or email or call us to do it for you). Anyone wishing to carpool, please let us know and plan to meet at the box at 7 AM on Saturday, January 28.
Congrats to everyone completing Monday's WODs. Your squats looked fantastic! While there may have been a shallow squat here or there on the thrusters and during the barbell complex, for the most part, everyone was gettin' low, and we liked it. Great work! Keep pushing the envelope on all your range of motion issues.
On Wednesday, we will post the rules, regs, PRIZES for upcoming Whole30 Paleo Challenge. This info will also be posted on the front bulletin board. We hope you're game for this challenge, which starts next week on Feb.1, as it is eye-opening and just plain good for your body. Ain't nuthin' wrong with loading up on veggies and protein for 30 days.
Today, we're gettin' low AGAIN with the overhead squat - one of the most challenging lifts. It demands mental focus, core strength, balance, and flexibility. The more you focus on pushing your knees apart and out, particularly at the BOTTOM of the squat, the more stability you will have, the more muscles you will engage to get you off the bottom, and the greater your ability to keep the bar from pulling forward. Go forth and squat, Athletes!!
Strength: 1 RM OHS, then 3-3-3-3-3 OHS @ 80% 1 RM
5 min AMRAP of:
6 OHS (95/65)
12 over-the-bar burpees
5 min AMRAP:
Rowing (for meters)
5 min AMRAP:
15 situps
15 back extensions
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