Thursday 03.29.12
Amber tackles the Rope. |
In case you're in search of new dinner recipes, Jacob and I feasted on the following Paleo-friendly dishes:
Only two more days to vote for your favorite Spring Break Photos. For voting instructions, go here.
We have two teams of Warriors headed to Iowa City on Saturday to compete in the UIVA Warrior Challenge. If you're skipping out on your Saturday morning WOD, then cheer on Beth, Connie, Emily H., Scott S., Jeff J., Ashley, Rachel, and Jacob at the UI Recreation Field from 8 to 11 AM.
Today's WOD is a good one to go heavy. It's an AMRAP, so it's over in 20 minutes. If you get fewer rounds in that you wished, then you know you went heavy and challenged your muscles instead of your endurance. The doubleunders will take care of your lungs anyway :) Soldier on, Warriors. We'll be with you every lunge of the way!
Warm Up:
5 Rounds
In-Step Stretch
Sean Special (= 20 second right plank + 3 pushups + 20 second left plank)
20 min AMRAP:
5 Curtis Ps (hang clean + lunge right, lunge left + push press) (95/65)
5 dips
15 doubleunders
5 total rope climbs (any time during the 20 min)
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