
Tuesday 03.13.12

Beth "Zoom Zoom" Dessner
What a glorious spring week! We know you've got the fever now, which means sending us your pictures of you (and your loved ones) performing overhead squats and handstands out in the world. A lot of you are on Spring Break with your school-aged little humans (to use one Warrior's term of endearment) and this is the perfect time to capture your CrossFitting bad ass self overhead squatting some margaritas, a limbo stick, or your marshmallow roasting sticks overhead. If handstanding is more your style, let's see proof! Email or text us (563-272-1433) your photos through next Friday, March 23. We'll post all the submissions on the front bulletin board and on our blog. Voting will open on Monday, March 26. Overhead squatter/handstander with the most votes wins a brand spanking new WCFM dry fit t-shirt!!

In more exciting news, our favorite in-house physical therapist, Beth, started up her own blog with info and opinions on various injuries. Check it out and provide some thoughtful feedback, peeps!!

We continue the quest for more power with some kipping pullups, overhead squats, and some kettlebell crawls. Get yer growl on, Warriors!


Warm up:
3 Rounds "Cindy":
5 kipping pullups
10 pushups
15 air squats
Elevated Pigeon Pose stretch between rounds
10 minutes spent finding 1 RM OHS
25 minute AMRAP of:
25 m KB crawl (53/35)
10 dips
10 burpees


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