Wednesday 04.18.12
Ducklings in a row: Rachel & Connie |
***Warriors! We're hoping to get you, your friends, and your families out for a night at the ball park. Please email, text, or tell us whether you're available for River Bandits game at 7 PM on Saturday, April 28. We'll reserve a box, which includes tickets and food for about $20/person.***
If you didn't notice, it is Spring and there is a LOT going on at WCFM. We've got the final push to make Muscatine a Blue Zone Community, and if you have not pledged already, or you know someone that has not pledged yet, please do so TODAY. Muscatine needs 2,100 more pledges to earn additional funding to make our community more healthy. You also can make your pledge on the sign-up sheet at the box.
Additionally, Warrior Rachel Reifert is collecting donations for troops deployed to Afghanistan. A complete list of items needed is available here. This list is also posted on the front bulletin board at the box. Find all those extra hotel soaps, shampoos, conditioners, and lotions and drop them off the next time you're in for a WOD. You'll make some troops, and potentially some second graders VERY happy!
Today we're getting outside for a bit, taking advantage of the weather once again. We start with a run (or row), and we finish with a run (or row) after 4 rounds of working our legs, core, and shoulders. This should be a good one, so get in on here and show us whatcha got, Warriors!!
Warm Up:
3 Rounds
5 kipping pullups/muscle ups
10 pushups
15 air squats
Foam roll
Elevated pigeon pose
Run/Row 1 mile/1600 m
Then, 4 Rounds
25 KB Swings (53/35)
25 KB SDHP (53/35)
25 stepups (24"/20")
Finish with 1 mile/1600 m Run/Row
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