Tuesday 08.07.12
Tim Garvin bent over after 9 rounds up and down the Pacific City, OR sand dune. |
Tomorrow night is Team WCFM's last sand pit volleyball game of the season.
Game time is 6 PM at Weed Park.
Cheer on your fellow Warriors, bring a friend,
then join us for a celebratory BBQ following the game!
Friday night is WCFM Ladies Nite!
Bring a friend and kick your weekend off with a WOD at 6:30 PM,
then share a tasty beverage (or two) at The Pearl.
If you fell off the Paleo Wagon over the weekend, we hope you got back on this week. Forging better nutrition habits is just like forging elite fitness -- it starts with baby steps and a lot of false starts. Keep reading those food labels and better yet, keep shopping the perimeter of the grocery store where all the fresh stuff lives. Keep track of where you misstep, and when you misstep most often. Take the process day-by-day and just keep learning. The goal is to be better off at the end of 30 days than when you started! To keep you motivated here is a GREAT post from Balanced Bites, author of the forthcoming book Practical Paleo (available TODAY!), about not striving for "Paleo Perfectionism". As Diane says, "Life is about not just being healthy, but being able to enjoy being healthy!"
150 wall balls (20/14)
15 min
burpee suicides
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