Tuesday 01.08.13
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Ed and Ryan work the 3 bars of death (bench, deadlift, cleans) |
Everyone has that one friend with every excuse in the book for not taking charge of their health with exercise and healthy eating. Here's how to respond (constructively) next time you hear "that friend" (or even yourself) giving yet another excuse.
Save the date for Wed., Jan. 30 and Thurs., Jan. 31. creativeLive is hosting a FREE 2-day course with Kelly Starrett of MobilityWOD. Here is the course description:
"In this exciting 2-day creativeLIVE course, Kelly offers a healthy “how-to” blueprint for moving about in our hectic everyday lives. How do you fix your position while sitting at your desk at work for hours on end? How can you lift your kids without hurting your back? What’s the best way to run to avoid long-term injury? Kelly will give you all the tools you need to perfect your movement and ensure long-lasting health and mobility, unlocking reservoirs of athletic capacity you didn’t even know you had."K.Star knows his sh*t when it comes to mobility and addressing those range of motion issues preventing you from locking out overhead or squatting down low. Take advantage of this FREE opportunity (or pay to watch the video later)!
30 snatch (135/95)*
*If at 115# (men)/95# (women) you are unable to reach full depth in an overhead squat,
then you will substitute 30 overhead squats and 30 power cleans for the prescribed 30 snatch.
Partner WOD
Row 2K/Plank
Between the two of you, row a total of 2000 m. While one partner rows, the other holds plank.
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