Saturday 02.16.13
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Kyle, in mid-backflip |
Paleo Challenge scoresheets are due no later than 11:59 PM TONIGHT.
You may drop your sheet off in our mailbox at the gym, text/email a photo of it to us, or email the spreadsheet to us. Late scoresheets will not be accepted.
Saturday Funday -- where YOU choose the WOD!
Paleo Challenge scoresheets are due no later than 11:59 PM TONIGHT.
You may drop your sheet off in our mailbox at the gym, text/email a photo of it to us, or email the spreadsheet to us. Late scoresheets will not be accepted.
Saturday Funday -- where YOU choose the WOD!
WOD Choices
2 rounds
100 Double-unders
50 Shoulder to overhead (95/65)
25 Toes to bar
20 min AMRAP
10 (total) pistols
15 pullups
Clean (135/95)
Ring Dips
100 Mr. Spectaculars (53/35)
(KB clean + press and a walkout pushup = 1 rep)
Clean (135/95)
Ring Dips
100 Mr. Spectaculars (53/35)
(KB clean + press and a walkout pushup = 1 rep)
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