Monday 04.01.13
April's WOM, Cindy Sparks |
April's 30-Day Challenge: DOUBLEUNDERS
If you have fewer than 10 consecutive doubleunders (including those who can’t seem to do doubleunders without a doing a single in between doubles), then this challenge is for you.
How does it work?
Spend the next 30 days perfecting your doubleunder technique. That means get after it everyday by practicing. One way to improve your doubleunders is to do “Annie” after every WOD and on your off days. On April 30th, we’ll have a Doubleunder Face-Off (time TBD, depending on participant schedules).
Meet our Warrior of the Month for April
In her own words...
Cindy Sparks
Why did you start Crossfitting?
My main form of exercise is, and has been for 25+ years, running. I do a lot of it, and at times in my life maybe too much. After training for and finishing a marathon in the spring of 2011, I had some overuse injuries to my knees and feet. I was told to back off of the running for a few months and cross train. I started biking and swimming but neither gave me the satisfaction of an intense run. My physical therapist also preached to me about the importance of strength training. Of course being the fitness fanatic that I was, I knew all this, but what you know and what you practice don't always jive.
I heard about CrossFit from my neighbors Ashley and Eric Schmeig, and my hair stylist Candy. I was intrigued, but I have paid for many fitness "classes" in my life and none were that good. Trusting the opinion of Eric, who had just completed a full Iron Man, and who said that he was more sore from CrossFit than from the Iron Man, I thought about it more. Why not, I least the first week is free. Boy, was I sore, but I have been hooked ever since.
Favorite workout/exercise?
Besides running, at CrossFit I prefer the body weight stuff...kipping pull-ups, air squats, sit-ups, box jumps, jump rope and rope climbs.
Least favorite?
It used to be anything with the barbell, but that is growing on me. However, overhead squats are my nemesis.
Athletic background?
Nothing serious, but long ago I discovered I had a little natural talent in long distance running. I have competed in road races from distances of 5K to half marathon since my early 20s. I do have a tad bit of training in gymnastics, and I was a cheerleader and ran track for a couple years.
Goals within the next year inside or outside of the gym?
Well my overhead squat issue is certainly on my radar of things I need to work on. Maybe get that bar muscle up too. And pistols. Outside the gym, I would like to continue to run my road races at the same pace as this past year, and maybe do a triathlon. Ultimately, I want to encourage others to lead healthy and active lives.
Advice for people just beginning CrossFit?
Give it more than 2 weeks and really, give it 6 months. You will see a difference. Know your limits so you don't hurt yourself, but push them. It is hard..."it's supposed to be hard" (quoting coach Sarah). You will always feel like you can do it better and faster, and you will get better and faster at your own pace. Have a good attitude, and have fun!
We have heard some grumblings about tight hips over the past few weeks.
We've got just the remedy:
45 min AMRAP:
This is an April Fool's Joke right?
You callin' Cindy a joke? :) Can't say about the WOD, but as always with CrossFit - expect the unexpected!
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