Tuesday 08.27.13
Beth does her shoulder touches |
Yesterday, I posted a picture of 4 absolutely torn up 10 pound plates that have gone to the graveyard in our gym. It seriously pisses me off to see our equipment looking like this. The only use for these plates at this point is work only done from a squat rack. They are useless for setting up lifts from the ground. Granted, these are not the uber-durable Rogue 10 pounders, but some cheaper plates we purchased to supplement our stacks. However, the message is the same:
you don't chuck bars loaded with 10 pound plates down to the ground from overhead.Have some respect for our equipment and control your bar unless your safety is threatened. You also don't chuck bars down because it is a safety issue for those around you. Bars loaded with 75 pounds or less tend to bounce out of your personal workout zone unless you're paying close attention. I know from personal experience how much damage a bouncing 65 pound bar can do -- I bounced my dropped bar right through the window at our old downtown location.
You may think its cool and it may feel really good when you're all amped up during an intense WOD, but check yo'self before you wreck our equipment or someone else. Our 25, 35, and 45 plates are durable enough to handle your RAWR moments; however, still be mindful of those around you when you chuck down your bar and control the bounce. It's easy to replace a pane of glass, but not so easy to replace someone's toes or foot. Rant over. Now go play.
Muscle up progression
5 Rounds
30 wall balls
30 box jumps
Run 400 m
Rx'd Movement Standards:
Wall balls: squats are below parallel and ball hits the 10' target "X" on the wall
Box jumps: full extension at the top of the box (i.e., stand up straight on each jump)
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