Monday 11.07.11
Superman! |
8:30 AM weekday class begins today on a trial basis. We're going to try this out and see how it flies. Tell your friends and loved ones!
We sent out our November newsletter via email today. A copy of our newsletter is available on the web here and it will be posted on the front bulletin board. The newsletter announces our November WOM, so be sure to give this athlete a shout out when you WOD together!
On Saturday, we saw some record breakers for the challenges posted on the wipe board. Ashley clocked in with 6 consecutive doubleunders and Rachel now holds the record for the longest handstand at 2:08. We love the progress we're seeing in all of you. Keep up the great work and keep challenging yourselves. This is awesome!
"Fight Gone Bad"
3 Rounds of:
1 minute of Wall Balls
1 minute of Sumo Deadlift High Pull (SDHP) (75#)
1 minute of 20" box jumps
1 minute of push press (75#)
1 minute rowing
Keep track of your reps (or calories) for each exercise for each round. Your total reps/calories will be your final score.
"Fight Gone Bad"
3 Rounds of:
1 minute of Wall Balls
1 minute of Sumo Deadlift High Pull (SDHP) (75#)
1 minute of 20" box jumps
1 minute of push press (75#)
1 minute rowing
Keep track of your reps (or calories) for each exercise for each round. Your total reps/calories will be your final score.
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