Tuesday 12.20.11
Connie makes short work of the alley. |
We're working strength today. This time with the back squat. Phew! I know, no pesky overhead squat flexibility issues, and no front rack wrist/elbow positioning issues. You do need to think about where you would like to position the bar on your back - high or low. Personal preference and comfort rules that choice. More importantly, let's get low on that squat. Push the knees outward (don't let them cave inward) as you track them over the toes. Push through the heels on the ENTIRE movement. Aim to use the outward edges of the soles of your feet to keep the weight rooted through the heels. By keeping the weight on your heels and on the outside edges of your foot soles, you're activating the larger leg muscles in the chain of movement - the hams, glutes, and quads. Bigger muscles = more power. And while you're at it, keep that chest up! Sink through the hips as you find a focal point on the wall.
1RM Back squat, then 20 reps @ 60% 1RM
20 minute AMRAP of:
100 m run/row
8 sandbag getups (80/40)
8 KB swings (53/35)
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