
Saturday 01.07.12

Chad, in the middle of gettin' low on his overhead squat.
You all made it through the first week of 2012 with flying colors. If you were here for Thursday's hero WOD, and you finished it, then there is no WOD that you cannot make it through. For serious. That is about as hard as it gets. Overhead squats, plus miles, plus pull-ups...You have what it takes.

Keep your eyes peeled in the coming weeks because we're going to include more of the CF Games WODs in our weekly programming. This will get us all excited for the CF Games 2012 Open

As usual, Saturdays are all about choices, choices, choices. There are no wrong answers on a day like today, unless you're not performing movements with full range of motion. Not reaching full depth on any type of squat (when you have the ability and flexibility to do so) and not reaching full extension at the top of any overhead movement (e.g., push press, thrusters) are major no-nos. With each rep, look to go deeper or push higher and move more completely. Improvement in movement does not happen unless you PRACTICE and PUSH for improvement. All this soap-boxing of mine has me asking with all seriousness: Are you getting more fit and more functional if your quality of movement is not improving over time? Leave your thoughts on this topic in the comments.

5 rounds for Time of:
22 KB swings (70/53)
22 box jumps (24"/20")
Run 400 m
22 burpees
22 wall balls (20/14)

20 min AMRAP of:
Run 400 m
Max pullups
(note number of pullups each round)

20 min AMRAP
5 Handstand pushups
10 1-legged squats
15 pullups

5 Rounds for Time of:
Run 400 m
30 box jumps (24"/20")
30 wall balls (20/14)


Beth Dessner, DPT, OCS, CSCS January 6, 2012 at 7:43 PM  

Thanks for the plug about deep squats :)... I have been bombarding Jacob and Sarah with information about squatting. It is completely safe to go below 90 degrees and even to 100 degrees in those with healthy knees. Those of us with certain conditions...not so much. If you wanna know more, you're gonna need to see me during one of my screening sessions or read some of the articles that I left at the gym!

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