Thursday 01.19.12
Exciting news! Introducing a new membership option, in which current punch-card holders and reluctant new-comers may be interested...Starting today, for the low price of $75 per month, we offer a Limited Monthly Membership. This membership option allows access to only the 6:30, 7:30, and 8:30 AM sessions on Mondays through Fridays, as well as Open Gym from 10 AM to 12 PM on Saturdays. Come as many times a week to these morning block of weekday classes and to Saturday Open Gym and become a CrossFit machine with this membership option. Additionally, if you are new to CrossFit, new to barbells, or need to work on lifting technique, you'll still be able to take advantage of our Intro to CrossFit: Elements I & II sessions at 6:30 AM on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The Limited Monthly Membership is available now on our Pay For Classes page and in person if paying by check or cash.
Today's WOD works your upper body and core first, then AMRAPs the heck out of your cardio. Push yourself beyond the limit because it's all body weight today. No fighting with a barbell, Kettlebell, or added weights -- just your own flesh, blood, and mental stamina.
1 strict pullup, 3 situps
2 strict pullups, 6 situps
3 SPs, 9 SUs
4 SPs, 12 SUs
5 SPs, 15 SUs
6 SPs, 18 SUs
7 SPs, 21 SUs
Then, work your way back down to 1 SP, 3 SUs
15 min AMRAP of:
Row 300 m or 10 shuttle runs
10 burpees
Eric N. dressed to impress...
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