
Wednesday 01.18.12

Box jump Mistress.
Hey y'all we need to get together an official headcount of competitors for the Iowa-Cedar Rapids CrossFit Throwdown happening on Saturday, January 28. If you are competing, please sign up on the front bulletin board. Include your preference of whether you would like participate as an individual or as a team member. Athlete registration begins at 8 AM on the 28th and competition starts at 9 AM, lasting until 2 PM. This is a FUN event, the entry fee is canned goods for the local food pantry, WODs will be posted soon on the event's Facebook page, and ALL skill levels are welcome. Competitors will take part in at least 2 WODs, with the top 10 competing in a final WOD. The competition will be followed up with a potluck celebration. This a GREAT chance to experience the camaraderie of the greater CF community. When we have a final headcount, we will coordinate a car pool. WCFM will not be open for WODs on Saturday, January 28.

Today we're seeing what our one rep max is for the thruster. Focus on getting low in that squat, keeping your chest UP, your elbows high, then exploding upwards as you uncoil from your squat. You should be able to thrust as much as or more than you push press. Then, it's on to the Dirty 30, peeps. Be glad we switched out the box jumps.

Strength: 1 RM thrusters, then 3-3-3 at 80% 1RM
"Dirty 30"
30 Push Press (45#)
30 back extensions
30 wall balls (20/14)
30 burpees
30 jumping pullups
30 goblet squats (53/35)
30 KB swings (53/35)
30 walking lunges


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