Friday 03.02.12
***Final Paleo Challenge Scoresheets due at 10 AM TODAY. ***
**End of Paleo Celebration TONIGHT after the 6:30 PM Class. BE there!**
March is officially here and with all that wind, it certainly came in like a lion. Like a lion, I'm a hard ass and I know it (LMFAO's song just went through my head). Between Jacob and me, my coaching style is more intense and Type A. He's more subtle. I take a hard line and I am a technician when it comes to lift form and technique, but you guys knew all this already. So what's my point? My point is that when I take a hard line, when I push, and when I get all drill sergeant on you it is because I care. Jacob and I want you healthy. We want you safe. And we want you progressing and improving. We don't enjoy hearing the word "can't" out of your mouths because we know your capabilities. We know if you try, you will succeed because just the opposite is true. If you never try, you'll never get better at any of it.
As WCFM approaches it's 6-month anniversary, Jacob and I look around and see an AWESOME (and GROWING) community of dedicated Warriors, and most importantly, PROGRESS. As observed by Eric S. this week, when you all first attempted handstand pushups this past fall, we saw a lot of, well, falls off the wall. And now, he says, people are just popping up and getting it done. And it's true. For all our newbies that joined us since the start of 2012, we hope you take heart in hearing this. While the WODs never get "easier" per se, the movements become more familiar and manageable. In fact, while other boxes did the CrossFit Games Open 12.1 WOD as their day's only workout, our Warriors didn't even blink at doing 7 minutes of as many burpees as possible (AMBAP) as their WARM UP. We probably don't tell you all often enough just how well you are doing. We hope you take a moment today to think about where you started at WCFM and where you are now. It's easy to lose sight of all your progress when you're constantly thinking about where you "should" be. Where you are right now is not where you will stay because change is inevitable, and Jacob and I will keep pushing you to get better.
Warm Up:
5 Rounds
5 snatch balance (65/45)
5 good mornings (65/45)
250 weighted step ups* (40/20)
100 pullups
100 pushups
*Switch every 25 step ups. Partners cannot double up on completing pushups and pullups until step ups are completed.
Warm Up:
5 Rounds
5 snatch balance (65/45)
5 good mornings (65/45)
250 weighted step ups* (40/20)
100 pullups
100 pushups
*Switch every 25 step ups. Partners cannot double up on completing pushups and pullups until step ups are completed.
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