Leap Day, Hump Day
Alright Paleo Peoples! Your results are below! Connie and Brian are dookin' it out for the top spot. We've got today and tomorrow left before we crown the ultimate winner. Come by the gym on Friday night after the 6:30 PM class to see who wins and celebrate the end of super-strict healthy habits. We hope you're excited about some of the new habits you picked up during this month of Paleo.
Sarah's 30-Day "Annie" Challenge starts tomorrow, March 1. Every day she'll be doing 50-40-30-20-10 of doubleunders and situps. Join the challenge and hopefully master the dreaded doubleunder and speed up those laborious situps.
Another full body WOD for us here (did you expect something else?). We hope you remember to push with the back of your legs and stay rooted through the heels. The key is going to be refraining from slumping over as you bring the weight down. Slumping is bad, whether you're a mopey, angsty teenager or not. Good posture in the box equals standing taller outside the box. You do more in here an hour than most people do all week, and it shows. Everyone is getting better and making progress. Keep up the great work!!
Warm-Up: 5 Rounds
5 Wall Balls
5 slasher-to-halo
5 wall slides
Thrusters and SDHP (95/65)
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