
Monday 02.06.12

***Paleo Participants: scoresheets for Week 1 are due by 6:30 PM tomorrow, Tuesday, Feb. 7. Please e-mail it to us or drop it off in person. Be sure to include your name to make it count!***

It's Monday and we hope you're happy with the results of last night's events. We agree that Madonna put on a kickass halftime show. We also agree that chickpea free (and Paleo-friendly) hummus with sweet potato chips are a pretty good way to attack the Superbowl munchies.

Onto our main event, though, Monday's WOD. We're introducing the power snatch. Instead of catching the bar down in a full squat, as with a full snatch, we're catching the bar up high with our knees bent only slightly and the bar overhead. As always, engage those belly muscles to stabilize the bar throughout the movement. Everything we do here at WCFM requires midline stabilization - pulling those ab muscles in tight. So get on it already! Spring is a-comin'!

Skill: Power snatch
20 min AMRAP of:
Run/row 250m
20 pushups
10 dips


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