Friday 02.24.12
Three things:
1) Connie's BBQ is this Sunday. Have you RSVP'd? It's going to be Paleo-licious!
2) We're having an end of Paleo celebration on Friday, March 2 at the gym at 7:30 PM. We'll provide yummy Paleo appetizers and non-Paleo adult beverages. The winner will be announced and prizes will be awarded! Join in the fun!
3) Sarah's 30-Day "Annie" Challenge starts March 1. Every day I'm doing Annie to work on my doubleunder consistency and sit-up speed. Who's with me? As long as you have a jump rope and room for sit-ups, you can do this WOD anywhere!
And now for today's programming. We attempt the first CrossFit Games Open WOD as our warm-up before working on our deadlift. For the deadlift, we offer another technique for those with low back pain. The hinge deadlift keeps our knees straight and focuses on pushing our hips back and forth the lower and raise the bar. We're still NOT yanking the bar off the ground and we're still using our hamstrings and glutes (i.e., the butt and back of the legs) to raise and lower the bar. We finish the day with a 12-minute AMRAP, just for good measure. Mount up, Warriors!
Warm Up: 7-minute burpee challenge
Deadlift 1 RM, then 6x2 at 85%
12-Minute AMRAP of:
10 (total) barbell lunges (95/65)
10 (total) step-ups
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