Tuesday 02.14.12
Happy Chocolate-Filled Hearts Day, Cave Warriors. We hope you stay strong for the final day of Week 2 of the Paleo Challenge. You're on your honor for guesstimating the final points for this week because scoresheets are due by 6:30 PM tonight! Email copies, share your Google doc, or drop them off in person.
Below are yesterday's times for G.I. Jane. We still don't know how Michael and Chad move that quickly!
Today we're doing some gymnastic skills and drills. These movements help us understand how our bodies move through space. The better we control our bodies, the easier heavy lifting becomes. This is why we don't use mirrors in CrossFit - so you become used to feeling where your body is in space, and how to feel your way to correct positioning. Balance and coordination are life skills, Warriors, so get to work!!
Skill: Tabata L-sit
HSPU Pyramid 1-2-3-4-3-2-1
Valentine's Day Massacre
Wall Balls
SDHP (95/65)
Toes to Bar
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