Monday 03.05.12
It's Cinco de Marcho, y'all, where we get ready to get Irish on the 17th. Start drinkin. Oh, and its Monday and time to get ready to get back in the box. The squat clean is back, along with overhead squats. And I know y'all just read that last sentence and said, "Ass to grass! Get low!" Sir, yes, sir. Keep that barbell as close to your body as possible and remember, as soon as the arms bend, the power ends. It's all about the hips and legs because, after all, that's where our biggest muscles are. As always throughout the month of March, get yer "Annie" on anytime.
Warm up:
2 rounds
25 m lunging shoulder pass thrus
50 doubleunders
1 RM squat clean, then
5 rounds:
2 squat cleans @ 85%
1 squat-to-stand
15 min AMRAP
15 OHS (95/65)
15 over-the-bar burpees
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