
St. Patty's Day Spectacular

It's that fabulous time of year when rivers run green, beers foam green, and everybody's Irish! We hope the luck o' the Irish is with you during today's WOD. Wear some green, just to be sure. We're open for one class, and one class only, at 7 AM. We close down immediately after the last Warrior finishes. If you're unable to join us, scroll down to the at-home WOD we came up with.

"Irish Car Bomb Gone Bad"
- 2 rounds
- 2 minutes per station
- 2 minute rest between rounds
- Count total reps

Calorie Row
Burpee box jumps
Thrusters (75/55)
Sandbag getups (80/60)


At-Home WOD
1 Round:
Chug a Guinness
1 burpee mile along riverfront
Chug a Guinness


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