Thursday 03.08.12
Get all your snatch jokes out now because Jacob and I have heard them all. This is the most complex lift there is and you know you did it right when the bar just "gets there". You'll have 10 minutes of concentrated effort on getting the bar where it needs to be, in the straightest way possible, so take a deep breath and focus. Pick one aspect of the lift and work on it, whether it's snappy feet, snappy bar turn over, keeping the bar close to your body, shrugging the shoulders, accelerating through the hips, or landing in that squat position. Let's be Snatch Masters by the end of our time in the gym today. And get yer jokes out now...
Warm Up:
2 lengths of lunging shoulder pass throughs
10 minute AMRAP of Snatch Complex:
(do not place the bar down between movements)
1 hang power snatch
1 hang power snatch + OHS
1 hang squat snatch
1 full squat snatch
-- 3 minute break --
10 min AMRAP:
8 deadlift (255/155)
4 box jumps (24"/20")
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