
Friday 03.09.12

If you're feeling kind of achy or muscles/joints are giving you issues, then come see Beth tomorrow starting at 9 AM. Beth will be here providing free injury screenings to help you maximize your range of motion.

Today we're hammering our shoulders and pecs, which will hopefully result in increased overhead stability. You can never be too stable. Plus, if you're not doing the "Annie" Challenge this month, we gotcha workin' on those pesky doubleunders today anyway. As always, day in and day out, we're workin' those abs. Stay engaged with those core muscles to help you push through each of the movements.

Warm Up:
3 Rounds
5 KB swings
5 slasher-to-halo
5 pushups


4 Floor press (as heavy as possible)
3 clapping pushups

-- 3 minute rest --

Tabata doubleunders to 100 (or 3x singles)
50 Mr. Spectaculars (53/35)


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