Wednesday 03.21.12
Macho, macho men...Joe and Brian. Pullup machines. |
Additionally, we have a full 4-person team for The Warrior Challenge on Saturday, March 31; however, we would love to send two teams. Check your calendars and see if you're available for this fun charity event! Any ideas for team names are welcome.
Today's WOD will require the right mental attitude more than anything else. If you get down in the dumps, then you're WOD is going to tumble downhill faster than you can "drunk old man". This is what we like to call a "single movement mind f*@k". Don't let it get to you, and don't go into it with any preconceived notions of how you are "supposed" to perform. Just grind your way until you're done and be satisfied that you finished. This stuff is supposed to be hard, so when the going gets tough, put a smile on your face, laugh a little, and keep on chugging.
Warm Up
1 HSPU, 3 situps
2 HSPUs, 6 situps
3 HSPUs, 9 situps
4 HSPUs, 12 situps
3 HSPUs, 9 situps
2 HSPUs, 6 situps
1 HSPU, 3 situps
100 thrusters (95/65)
with 5 burpees every minute on the minute (EMOTM)
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