Wednesday 04.25.12
Let's make Muscatine County the fittest one in IA! |
Additionally, you see what's happening in that photo? A whole lotta fun on knees-to-elbow, which converse to the level of fun these guys are having, have the ability to really rip up ones hands. We've had a lot sweat and blood mix and mingle on our pullup bars, including that of yours truly, and here are some handy dandy tips on what to do when your hands do get shredded, and what to do to prevent the shredding. I found some useful tips in here that I will be taking home. Chief among them: moisturize. For serious. Dry hands are shredded hands. I can text or email you a picture of mine. I let them get too dry, my calluses started peeling, and WHAM-O, Eva done did me wrong. Load up on athletic tape, Shredders.
Today, the ol' squat clean is BACK. You're UP and then you're down LOW in a squat. And the power all comes from the hips and shoulders. Bent arms are THE DEVIL. You're elbows are the last thing to fire, whipping around as you drop into your squat with the bar in the front rack position (see why we harp on that??). The squat clean is explosive, so make me believe it with yours. We're not maxing out, we're just testing the waters to see how heavy we can go for 3 reps. Make those babies QUAL-I-TAY. Make me weep, Warriors. Make me weep.
Warm Up:
2 Rounds
Barbell Complex (65/45)
Instep Stretch
3-3-3-3 Squat Cleans
Increase weight each round
OHS (95/65)
Wall balls (20/14)
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