Wednesday 04.04.12
Junior shows off the lounge area loveseat |
head on over to MobilityWOD and get crackin' on attacking any flexibility or range of motion issues that are holding you back from supporting the bar in a solid position on your shoulders and collarbone.
We emphasize the use of the front rack position, versus crossing your arms over the bar as you squat, because we use the front rack position during the downward squat of the thruster, during the lunges of a Curtis P, and as a set up position for our overhead presses and the jerk. The front position sets you up for s strong and stable finish position in overhead presses and the jerk. Let's get better at it so we can get stronger, capiche??
12 front squat (95/65)
Elevated pigeon pose
10 front squat (135/95)
Elevated pigeon pose
8 front squat (185/135)
Elevated pigeon pose
1 front squat (MAX)
20 min AMRAP
5 KB snatch each arm (53/35)
100 m sandbag shuttle (80/60)
10 weighted situps (53/35)
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