
Thursday 05.10.12

Making an 80 lb sandbag carry look like it ain't no big thang.
We're getting more book selections lined up for the next few months of WCFM's book club. Offer up your suggestions and we'll keep a running queue (see what I did there? It's a PUN! Get it? A"running" tally. HA!).
“Fat loss is an all-out war. Give it 28 days, only 28 days. Attack it with all you have. It’s not a lifestyle choice; it’s a battle. Lose fat and then get back into moderation.” ~ Dan John, hater of "medium"
Today we're super squatting (YAY!! And the crowd GOES WILD!!). This time we are in the beloved front rack position. Remember: ELBOWS HIGH. Think about your goblet squat - how nice and tall and straight you are when you're holding that kettle bell and how you sink between your legs - your butt is not going back. Same with the front squat. You're not going for a downhill ski run. Big chest with those elbows high and just your fingertips on the bar. The goal of a super squat is, of course, first and foremost improving overall technique and increasing strength. The secondary goal is to Zen yourself into being comfortable with being UNcomfortable. So BUCK UP, be bold, and keep breathing as you hold that front rack position for about 3 minutes. Seriously, do NOT put down the bar. It will be greatest 3 minute achievement of your life (and that IS what she said)!

Warm Up
3 Rounds
30 sec handstand hold
5 Goblet squats
1 RM front squat
20 "Super Squats" at 60% bodyweight
15 min AMRAP
50 m bear crawl
7 push press (115/75) 


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