Thursday 07.05.12
Jan feels that supermans are best when shared with family! |
We're taking t-shirt, dry shirt, and sweatshirt orders through Thursday, July 19. Flip through the catalogue to choose your color and style. We'll put the order in with Berlin's Pro Shop on Friday, July 20.
Have you heard about The Festivus Games? This is a CrossFit competition for novice and intermediate CrossFitters. Quad City CrossFit in Davenport is the host venue and it takes place on Saturday, August 4. This is a great way to get your competitive juices flowing in a fun and friendly way! Let us know if you're interested and we'll get a WCFM contingent together! Registration ends on July 15.
It's another hero WOD today; however, Michael is a little less demanding than Murph. It's still going to be hot, so hydrate BEFORE you come in to WOD with us. If you're feeling sick to your stomach and overheated, it may be because you did not hydrate enough prior to working out. And I am not talking about pounding a liter of water 45-30 minutes before you walking the box. I am talking hydration over the long haul - all day. I know I don't drink nearly enough water throughout the day, especially in this heat, and I feel thirsty all day. One tip: if you feel hungry, chug some water, then stuff your face. Water - you can't live without it and you won't WOD well without it. You've been warned, now get to it!
Warm Up:
7 min AMRAP
SBGUs (80/60)
Tabata handstand holds
(8 rounds of 20 sec holds with 10 sec of rest)
In honor of Navy Lieutenant Michael McGreevy, 30, of Portville, NY, who was killed in Afghanistan June 28, 2005.
He is survived by his wife, Laura, and daughter, Molly.
3 Rounds
Run/Row 800 m
50 supermans
50 situps
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