Wednesday 07.18.12
Click to enlarge. Paleo Challenge is coming! Awareness is power. |
Sand Pit Warriors:
Volleyball is at 8:30 PM. We need you there.
Last day to order t-shirts is TOMORROW, Thursday, 07/19.
Bodyweight Week with Danelle
Classes at 5:30 AM, 12:00 PM, and 5:30 PM ONLY!
In two weeks, we will begin another 30-day Paleo Challenge, and trust me, Jacob and I have heard it all when it comes to Paleo. This will be our 3rd 30-day Challenge in 18 months. Read up on the whys and wherefores of Paleo, as well as the rules of the challenge here. This is a VOLUNTARY challenge and its purpose is AWARENESS. "Going Paleo" for a short time is a great way to learn more about nutrition, to clean up bad habits, and to maybe start new, healthier habits. At the very least, it changes the way we look at food - where it comes from and why we eat it. When it comes to being fit and healthy, ignorance is not bliss. What you don't know could be hurting you.
Today we work on the clean. Remember those tips we laid out for you? Review them here, here, or here. Choose one aspect of your clean you would like to improve and hammer the hell out of it during today's strength session. And while you're at it, mobilize the hell out of those crunchy, tight shoulders, glutes, hams, and quads in between rounds. Get on a foam roller and loosen up because overhead squats are screaming your name during the WOD.
Warm Up
5 minutes
Snatch Progression
5 PVC shoulder pass throughs
1 RM Clean, then
5 Rounds
3 cleans (increase weight each round)
5 Rounds
Run/Row 400 m
15 overhead squats (95/65)
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