Saturday 08.04.12
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The view from 100' ft up on the suspension bridge over Drift Creek Falls, Oregon. |
Paleo scoresheets due Saturday (08/04) night by 11:59 PM.
Email or drop them off.
No late scoresheets accepted!
Submit recipes to the Paleo Challenge page comments.
Week 2 starts Sunday.
Today, Kelli, Sara, and Coach Sarah head up to QCCF in Davenport to compete in the Festivus Games. Coach Sarah will attempt to live Tweet/Facebook all the action. Watch for a recap on Monday.
Thoughts on Paleo
Goal: to be as Paleo as possible while keeping a social life.
This is Jacob's and my 3rd time through The Whole30. Rounds 1 & 2 saw us sticking strictly to all the rules, which is difficult! My life generally whittles down to a cycle of gym--grocery store--kitchen. This time around I'm seeking more balance. I would like "social life" inserted somewhere in that merry-go-round. My first test came on Day 1 with my father-in-law's birthday party, which served pizza and a Twinkie cake (!!). I resisted the pizza easily enough. The Twinkie cake was tempting, but I loaded up my plate with fruits and veggies. I ate plenty of protein earlier in the day. The only drawback was the dressing already included on the salad, which included a lil' bit o' cheese. Minus one point for me, but I made the best choices possible under the circumstances presented.
Because this is our 3rd time through, and Jacob and I eat pretty clean regularly (when we don't eat out), it is fairly easy for me to put the kibosh on cravings. I am way more familiar with what my body is really asking for when it's craving chocolate (i.e., fat), chips (salty crunch), or brownies (a sweet pick-me-up), and I can satisfy that craving with a more nutritious choice (e.g., almond butter, kale chips, or fruit).
It was not so easy my first time through The Whole30 gauntlet, however. Switching from a diet of crackers & cheese, milk & cereal, mac & cheese, and daily chocolate fixes was difficult, to put it mildly. Bless Jacob's heart for dealing with a detoxing sugar addict. Thinking back to that first Whole30 in February 2011, I traveled a long way since then. Each of those old food crutches are distant memories. I now see them only in limited quantities at parties or out at restaurants. I think I ate 2-3 bowls of cereal since then, and maybe 1-2 dishes of Mac & cheese. It's more of a take-it-or-leave situation, and in most cases, I can leave it.
What happened? I think about my food choices so much more consciously that now, it is an active decision-making process. I no longer passively shove food-like substances in my mouth. Instead, I actively assess what my body really craves. Further, I learned that sometimes, even when I go for that triple fudge chocolate cake, it doesn't taste quite as mind-blowingly good as I expected. (Ice cream, however, is usually everything I want it to be. Same for wine.) Every time I go through a Whole30, I learn something new, I reinforce good and better habits, and I whittle down my list of can't-live-without treats (e.g., ice cream, wine, dark chocolate, Cindy Garvin's cake pops). In short, I continue making progress, and that's what life (and CrossFit) is all about.
Saturday Funday WOD Choices
Add "Annie" to any choice below.
50-40-30-20-10 doubleunders and situps
20 min AMRAP
Run/Row 400 m
Max pullups
(keep track of # pullups per round)
Run/Row 400 m
15 OHS (95/65)
30 clean and jerk (135/95)
January 2012 Painstorm
40 min AMRAP:
*Choose same load for both barbell movements*
Run 200 meters^
7 power cleans
7 burpees
Row 250 meters
7 thrusters
7 pull-ups
^200 m = left out front door, left at Cedar, to alley and back.
20 min AMRAP
Run/Row 400 m
Max pullups
(keep track of # pullups per round)
Run/Row 400 m
15 OHS (95/65)
30 clean and jerk (135/95)
January 2012 Painstorm
40 min AMRAP:
*Choose same load for both barbell movements*
Run 200 meters^
7 power cleans
7 burpees
Row 250 meters
7 thrusters
7 pull-ups
^200 m = left out front door, left at Cedar, to alley and back.
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