Tuesday 09.25.12
Make those hammies stronger with each rep -- Beth |
"Helen Meets Grace"
Do you know what it's all about?
Coming 10/13
With the arrival of fall, I went on a serious tear around the house: painting, cleaning, and sprucing up the joint. Maybe that's because I know we're in for some serious "indoor time" and I want to like the space I'm in while the weather blows. Anyway, the whole cleaning up and cleaning out process got me thinking about CrossFit (as usual) and today's WOD: The Big 24. It got me thinking about how we can clean up and clean out our lifting technique. Because this WOD is untimed, we can spend the time it takes to get our set up correct before each lift. We can focus on our lifting weak points (e.g., speedy elbows on cleans, keeping the bar close on snatches, consistent feet during each lift). We can spend the time to clean up the bad lift habits. This is our third time through this sucker. Again, add some weight if you've done this circuit before, and focus on one aspect of each lift that you would like to improve. Hammer the heck out that bad habit and make it a thing of the past.
"The Big 24"
8 Rounds: 3 hang snatch + OHS (95/65)
8 Rounds 3 power clean + push press (135/95)
8 Rounds: 3 squat cleans (135/95)
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