
Saturday 01.05.12

Happy 2013/End of Acts of Kindness Celebration
7 PM
At Our House
(text/call us at 563-272-1433 for address and directions)

Saturday Funday is here! Choose your own WOD! Saturdays are all about working on the skills and movements that you may have missed during the week or for which you need more practice. Get after it, Warriors.

WOD Choices
"Painstorm" (April 2008)

Prescribed weights: 115/80 

10 Front squat 
10 Push press 
10 Thruster 
10 Pull-up 
10 Burpee 

8 Front squat 
8 Push press 
8 Thruster 
20 Pull-up 
15 Burpee 

6 Front squat
6 Push press 
6 Thruster 
30 Pull-up 
20 Burpee 

4 Front squat 
4 Push press 
4 Thruster 
40 Pull-up 
25 Burpee 

2 Front squat 
2 Push press 
2 Thruster 
50 Pull-up 
30 Burpee
20 min AMRAP
5 pullups
10 pushups
15 air squats
deadlift (225/155)
20 snatches (135/95)


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