
Friday 01.04.13

KB SDHP = Kettlebell Sumo Deadlift High Pull
Our January 2013 Newsletter is now available! Meet January's Warrior of the Month. Read about upcoming events and thoughts from Coach in our Coach's Corner!

Party this Saturday!
7 PM at Our House
(ask Coach Sarah or Coach Jacob for the address and directions)
We will have food, beverages, and fun!

Our 30-day Paleo Challenge is coming. We wait until February for ours (versus January for a lot of other boxes) because we want to give you a little post-holiday buffer to wean off the real crap (a.k.a. cookies, cakes, and pies). We also want to give you a month to get your routine back on track - get the kids back in school, get the house back in order, get back to full weeks at work - so you're well-primed to take on the challenge. I'm still working on tweaking some of the rules for earning/docking points, but rest assured, the dos and don'ts of strict paleo eating remain the same. The hardest part of paleo clean eating is being prepared for food deserts. It is not when we are at home that we tend to go off the clean eating wagon (especially if we purged our houses of non-paleo foods); it is when we are on the go, traveling, or out of our routine that clean eating choices suffer. Therefore, the biggest tip I have as you start to educate yourself about clean eating and to gear up for next month's challenge: know how to make smart choices when you are left stranded without your lunch box of paleo-friendly foods.

I'll be posting more tips for Paleo clean eating success as the challenge nears. This is a great opportunity to re-set your nutrition and see how food really does impact how you feel! 80% of body composition and fitness is NUTRITION. You cannot out-exercise a bad diet. Read past posts on nutrition here. Scroll down our Resources page for more info on TheWhole30 and Practical Paleo.

20 consecutive reps back squat @60% 1 RM
(add 5 pounds from the last time you completed this rep scheme)

Rest 5 Mins
Ring Dip Pyramid up to 7
Sit-ups X 3


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