
Wednesday 01.23.13

Our Paleo Challenge starts at the end of next week.
Clean out your dupboards and give us your non-Paleo non-perishables.
All items will be donated to the local food pantry.

WCFM Members Register NOW for
the 1st Annual MuscaVegas St. Paddy's Day Throwdown

Why is OK to tell yourself that you can't do something of which you are capable?
Why isn't it OK for others to tell you that you can't do something of which you are capable?

Think about this the next time you say to us or to yourself that you "can't" do a doubleunder, a kipping pullup, a box jump, or a heavier weight. What are you really saying? You're scared to try? You won't try? It's rare the person that does something perfectly on the first ever attempt, whether it's speaking another language, learning to walk, learning to dance, or learning a new way to move one's body.

Therefore, trying = practicing. Be brave enough to look the fool. Then fail and fail again, but keep on trying. There will come a day when failure turns to success because you didn't give yourself the excuse of saying "I can't". Now do 1 burpee for each time the word "can't" appeared in this blog post.

Power clean (135/95)
SB getups (80/60)


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