
Friday 02.22.13

Craig getting shins to bar
Paleo Week 3 Scoresheets due tomorrow (Sat) at 11:59 PM.
Late scoresheets will not be accepted.

Performance standards for today and every day:
- squats are below parallel (i.e., your ass gets down to grass; your hip crease is lower than your knee crease). If you fail to get low enough, no rep.
- for all overhead presses, arms are fully locked out overhead (i.e., "punch your head through" so your biceps cover your ears and your elbow are straight). No punch through, no rep.
- wall balls involve squats, ergo get yourself low, then jump out of the squat making sure your ball hits the "X". No "X", no rep. No squat, no rep.
- doubleunders: the rope gets all the way under the feet twice on one jump. Step on the rope, trip on the rope, stop the rope: no rep.

Each WOD is a chance to practice progressing towards these performance goals. Don't cheat your reps and work your hardest to achieve these standards. Maybe not today, but with practice and MOBILITY work, you can make it happen tomorrow, next week, next month, or sometime this year.

Front Squat Friday
20 consecutive front squats @ 60% 1 RM
(+ 5 lbs from last successful consecutive attempt)
KB overhead press (AHAP)
20 min AMRAP
20 m overhead lunge (45#/25# plate)
20 wall balls
20 doubleunders


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