
Wednesday 04.03.13

After a while, squatting is just comfortable!
The final CrossFit Games Open WOD 13.5 gets announced tonight at 7 PM. We are under the strong impression that it will involve thrusters and pullups - a classic CrossFit couplet. Ryan, Kyle, Doug, and Coach Jacob will know their fate within the Regional rankings once all scores are in and validated next Monday. The North Central Regionals take place at the Navy Pier in Chicago, May 30th through June 2nd. If you are interested in attending, tickets will go on sale soon and some hotels are offering discounted rates for the event. If you are interested in being a volunteer, go to the volunteer registration site here.

Today we take on sandbag getups, which is probably the most functional movement we do here at CrossFit. Everyone needs to get off the floor, and what better way to train ourselves in that movement than with some added weight? Get after it, Warriors!

7 Rounds
Run/Row 170 m* 
7 SBGUs (80/60)
10 m handstand walk**
*170 m = Out front door, straight down the length of the parking lot and back
**Substitution = 1
Wall walk up, 20 forehead touches


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