
Thursday 05.23.13

It is NEVER too early to foam roll
A bullet point list of what we believe in here at WCFM:

  • EFFORT. Make the attempt and put in the work. Try every WOD to get better. The success you achieve in the gym will translate into success in other areas of your life. We can tell who puts in the effort and who just goes through the motions, never challenging themselves. We see who is progressing in their lifts, their range of motion, and their attitude! Those who put in the effort on a consistent basis show greater confidence, encourage (and even provide tips) to their fellow athletes, and exhibit an inherent sense of pride. And when the going gets tough, these athletes lick their wounds and bounce right back.

  • Eating real food. Cut out the crap (and you all know what crap we're referring to). There isn't a magic pill. There isn't some bullshit supplement that will solve your weight loss, body image, or performance issues. It all starts and ends with real food - veggies, veggies, more veggies, fruits, lean meats, nuts, and healthy fats. If its perishable, it's probably good for you! The cleaner you eat, the better you feel, and the more your performance improves. Eating right takes effort, but it gets easier with practice. Consistently make the better choice to eat real food and you will reap the benefits. Stop looking for some chemically-engineered short cut. It may work in the short term but it won't see you through for the long term.

  • MOBILITY. Old age and decrepitude are best retarded with a healthy diet, regular exercise, and daily stretching. Bust out the foam roller, smash ball, and bands while you watch TV or right before bed or when you wake up in the morning. Keeping your body's full range of motion tuned up will only help you feel better and make your more durable over the years. Every person that consistently does their mobility work reports back on how effective these stretches are and on how much better they feel. If you don't believe us, then enjoy your tight joints, your stooped posture, and your general old fogey feeling on a daily basis. Hope someone out there enjoys hearing you gripe about your aching bones.

  • No excuses. Own up to your self-imposed limits. I'd rather hear someone say "I just don't want to" or "I'm scared" than "I can't" or "There's no way I can do THAT." We've heard every form possible of those statements, so we know what you're really saying when you tell us you're too tired, busy, stressed, weak, broken, or otherwise avoiding working out hard, heavy, or to your fullest potential.

  • No limits. We each have the ability to be stronger, faster, more flexible, and better than we were the day before. We believe in the potential of each and every one of the athletes that walks through our doors. The only person holding you back is YOU with your excuses (see previous bullet point) and lack of trying (see first bullet). Review how you are telling yourself that you "can't" and start stripping away the excuses. It's scary and it can be emotionally jarring, but once you start pushing your limits and getting comfortable with the uncomfortable, you'll be amazed at what you accomplish. And you have the support of the entire WCFM community to help you get there.

  • WOD
    1 mile run/row*
    50 chest-to-bar pullups
    50 burpees
    1 mile run/row
    *0.5 mile to red stake on right hand side of running trail (see below)


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