Friday 01.31.14
What do you notice first in this photo? |
As always, monthly CrossFit fees are due the 1st of every month.
$20 BUY-IN due by 02/05.
Get your scoresheet dowloaded NOW.
Coach Sarah is coaching informal mini clinics on kipping pullups from 10 AM to 12 PM tomorrow, 02/01.
FREE SHIPPING from our online schwag shop on any size order through TUESDAY when you use the coupon code LOVELY14.
It's Friday, y'all and Paleo begins TOMORROW. We hope you're stoked to cleanse the system and eat clean for the next 30 days. It's a whole new world of discovery at the grocery store. Food never seemed so complicated. The best approach is to shop the perimeter of the store and eat as much stuff as possible that doesn't require a nutrition label. Yep. That pretty much leaves you fresh veggies and fruits, meats, fish, nuts, seeds, and eggs. Learn it, know it, use it, and LOVE it for 30 days. It is an adventure worth taking and it's only 30 days. YOU CAN DO IT!!
3 minutes at each station with 1 minute rest between stations:
- Find your 3 RM front squat
- Max GHD situps
- Max distance row
- Max toes-to-bar
- Max Mr. Spectaculars (1 rep = KB clean + press + walk-out push-up) (53/35)
- Max wall balls (20/14)
- Max plank hold
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