
Thursday 07.17.14

6:30 AM squat circle
6:30 PM WOD Canceled tomorrow, Friday, 07/18
For folks doing the high ropes course and wishing to carpool, 
please meet at 5 PM at the box tomorrow night. Friday, 07/18.
Our July squat challenge continues. We will reach 10 minutes of bottom time soon; therefore, the last week of the challenge will be max bottom time, then accumulating the remainder of the 10 minutes (e.g., say you can hold the bottom of your squat for 4 consecutive minutes before breaking. You then need to accumulate 6 more minutes of bottom time, breaking as needed). We will go for all 10 minutes on Thursday, 07/31. I expect some beautiful squat art by the 31st!

Tabata clock 
(i.e., work for 20 seconds, rest for 20 seconds)
50 Burpees
50 burpees


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