
Friday 07.18.14

Bet you wish you thought of that when moving all the weights
6:30 PM WOD is cancelled tonight.
High ropers wishing to carpool tonight, meet at the box at 5 PM.
Huggies and Chuggies for Chase & Shannon is tomorrow night at 7 PM.
Slip n' Slide Celebration for Bman's 1st Bday is Sunday at Coaches Garvin's house at 3 PM.
If you plan on participating in the blood drive at the box on Saturday, the 26th, please sign up for a time slot. Cindy needs 19 people to make this a go. There will be eats and drinks for all donors!

8x3 back squat
(increase weight each round)
Z press (45/35)*
*bar must go to chest, not to shoulders/collarbone


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