Saturday 07.19.14
Huggies and Chuggies for Chase and Shannon is tonight at 7 PM!
Bman's Slip n' Slide Party is Sunday at Coaches Garvin's house at 3 PM
If you are giving blood next Saturday, July 26th, please sign up for time slot.
Cindy needs 19 people to make it go.
Cindy needs 19 people to make it go.
Saturday Funday, where YOU choose the WOD!
Chase your weakness.
WOD Choices
20 minutes AMRAP:
3 hang power cleans (185/115)
6 strict ring dips
9 box jumps (30"/24")
27 double-unders
For time:
50 pull-ups
50 push-ups
50 GHD sit-ups
50 back extensions
50 wall-ball shots (20/14)
50 box jumps (24"/20")
2 rounds:
24 Deadlift (295/185)
24 Box jumps (24"/20")
24 Wallball shots (20/14)
24 Bench press (195/120)
24 Box jumps
24 Wallball shots
24 Cleans (145/100)
2 rounds:
24 Deadlift (295/185)
24 Box jumps (24"/20")
24 Wallball shots (20/14)
24 Bench press (195/120)
24 Box jumps
24 Wallball shots
24 Cleans (145/100)
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