
Saturday 10.15.11

The jump rope. Increases speed, agility, and frequency of cursing.
Halloween is fast approaching, dear Athletes, and WCFM will be celebrating in style on Monday, October 31. We'll feature a special Halloween-themed Team WOD all day, and hosting a potluck WOD party that evening. If you wear a cape as part of your costume, make sure it is detachable. If you have to row, you want to make sure your cape doesn't get sucked into the rower! More details to come. Consider this your save-the-date! We hope to see you all there.

Every Saturday, our classes and open gym session will feature "Choose Your WOD." This is a chance to work on a skill or movement to improve mechanics, increase your speed, or increase your load. Choose from one of the Girls below and record your time in your binder.


For Time
150 Wall Balls (20#)

5 Rounds For Time
Run 400m
30 Box Jumps
30 Wall Balls (20#)

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 of:
Deadlift (at 1.5X BW)
Bench Press (at BW)
Cleans (at 3/4 BW)

5 Rounds For Time
400m Run
15 Overhead Squat (95#)

20 min AMRAP of:
400m Run
Max Rep Pull Ups (note the pull ups completed in each round)


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103 Ford Ave., Suite 1 | Muscatine, IA | 52761
Warrior CrossFit Muscatine is a Garberling LLC enterprise.

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