FRIDAY 11.11.11
"I think there is one higher office than president and I would call that patriot." - Gary Hart
Veteran’s Day: A chance to reflect and an opportunity to be thankful for our freedoms. Today’s workout is difficult. It is supposed to be difficult. 1st Lt Joe Helton and I were stationed at MacDill Air Force Base together. Joe won several fitness and academic awards between the Air Force Academy, Technical School, and the 6th Security Forces Squadron. Joe VOLUNTEERED to extend an extra 6 months in a hostile area because he felt his work was making a difference. That decision ultimately cost him his life on September 8, 2009, when an IED exploded near Joe’s vehicle in Baghdad, Iraq. All gave some…some truly gave all. Keep that in mind when you are paying tribute to Joe and the THOUSANDS of other patriots that have sacrificed...some the ultimate price.
3 rounds for time of:
Run/Row 800 meters
30 reps 50 pound Dumbbell squat cleans (50 lb each hand)
30 Burpees
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