Tuesday 11.22.11
I forgot to put this up at Halloween. Advice from Stacey's daughter! |
We are open on Thanksgiving Day and on Black Friday. Jacob will be running classes at 9 and 10 AM on Turkey Day. On Friday, there will be class at 8 AM and 9 AM, and open gym from 10 AM to 12 PM. Sarah will be in Philly and wishes you all a happy holiday! She'll be back with stories from a foreign CrossFit experience...
Today, we're working on loving that little piece of plastic known as a jump rope during our skill session. During the WOD, we're working on familiarity with the barbell, and our upper and lower body strength. As always, each WOD is meant to increase our strength, agility, and stamina. Each of these help us lift groceries or kids, move furniture, or get out of an unexpected jam.
Skill: Doubleunder
7 Rounds for Time:
1 Barbell complex*
7 deadlift
7 KB crawls
7 ring pushups
*1 barbell complex = 6 deadlift + 6 rows + 6 hang cleans + 6 front squat + 6 push press + 6 back squat + 6 pushups
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