Friday 12.09.11
Next step: superglue. You healed up yet? |
Our strength piece for Friday focuses on the thruster. This is another opportunity to work on that front rack position - elbows high, with triceps as parallel as possible with the floor - during the squat portion of the thruster. This elbow position allows you to support the bar with your shoulders, thereby using the entire body to support the bar and power it upward. Additionally, getting those elbows high will set you up nicely for the press position where the palm supports the weight of the bar. Using the palm of the hand allows you to support the bar with the entire chain of wrist, forearm, shoulders, torso, and ultimately down through the heel. Power up, Warriors, then get ready for the AMRAP of the week. Sarah will be thinking fond thoughts of you all while whoopin' it up in The Big Apple for the weekend.
Strength: 1 RM Thruster
10 min AMRAP of:
Sandbag getups (60/40)
10 min AMRAP of:
Row 250 m
30 HSPUs
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