Monday 01.02.12
Reminder: our Elements I class begins Tuesday at the 6:30 AM and 6:30 PM classes. Elements I goes over barbell mechanics for the squat (air, front, and overhead) and for overhead movements (press, push press, and push jerk). Elements II begins this Thursday at the same class times.
We're doing a CrossFit Games WOD today. If any of you watched the New Year's Day marathon of the 2011 CF Games, then you know many of the competitors had to repeat reps of exercises because they did not achieve correct form (e.g., locking arms out at full extension when going overhead, achieving full depth on squats). One of the cornerstones of CrossFit philosophy is technique, then consistency, THEN intensity. Get your form right, on a consistent basis, then (and only then) can you ramp up your speed. Sloppy movements = injury (and it just looks bad). Position is power. Say it with us and look pretty!
1 RM Power Clean
Then, 15 min AMRAP of:
9 deadlift (155/100)
12 hand-release pushups
15 box jumps (24"/20")
Couple's Thruster Face-off (below)
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